Septier Lawful Interception and Monitoring System
Septier LIMS (Lawful Interception and Monitoring System) is a multidisciplinary solution for lawful interception of communication and monitoring of targeted content and metadata. Installed in many locations worldwide, Septier LIMS supports both active and passive interception while strictly adhering to local regulations and legislation. Septier LIMS is a robust, carrier-grade system capable of providing LI services for all telecom and data networks using any technology and compliant with ETSI, CALEA, and other LI standards.
Septier LIMS includes the state-of-the-art Septier Monitoring Center, providing fully automated management of the entire LI cycle – from the moment the warrant is issued until the targeting, collecting, analyzing, and correlating of the data. The LI Explorer architecture is modular and scalable to support numerous applications and requirements while providing a robust and secure information system for the multiple agencies that may have access to Septier LIMS.
Whatever services the intercepted networks offer, Septier LIMS provides unified access and interface to virtually all types of intercepted traffic. Supported services include voice, fax, and messaging services for traditional telephony services, as well as a multitude of data services from web surfing to e-mail correspondences, instant messaging, VoIP, file transfer, and more. The collected material is viewed or heard through a unified user interface that supports all required features, capabilities, and possible workflows. Intercepted networks may be mobile, landline, international private leased capacity networks, ISP networks, and more.
Moreover, additional sources, such as tactical systems, satellite interception systems, and more, can be interfaced with the system to allow a complete intelligence picture. This will enable analysts and law enforcement personnel to generate a comprehensive intelligence picture that fuses their targets’ entire span of communication across all sources.
Key Feature – Role-based multi-agency access
In almost all countries, law enforcement in general and lawful interception, in particular, involves many organizations and agencies, each with its responsibilities and legal constraints. All these agencies need to access the same sources of communications-derived information while maintaining strict separation to ensure information integrity and avoid compromising their independent operations. Septier LIMS was specifically designed to cater to these requirements, allowing analysts from multiple LEAs to utilize the same system in siloed environments.
Utilizing a comprehensive access control system, Septier LIMS ensures that data is properly protected while targeting criteria and information collected through it are accessible only to privileged personnel from the relevant agency. Security protocols have been tightly implemented through each system layer, making the system safe from any type of threat.